
Tours Around Mangystau


Jeep tours, steppe camping &

Silk Road Romance in Western Kazakhstan

Welcome to a wild, unexplored corner of Central Asia, here you can observe fascinating natural places not touched by man. Enjoy the completely different natural sights that are collected here.

The vast steppes and shorelines of the Mangystau region offer you the chalk cliffs of Bozzhyra, which our tourists call the “White Grand Canyon”, the shining shores of the clean Caspian Sea here the Devil's Finger place is a particularly favorite among our guests. Geological landslide of Zhigylgan, where you can touch the traces of saber-toothed cats and Hipparions, touch history by visiting archaeological sites, take a walk among the round and giant stone balls in the area of Torysh, spend the night at the Million Stars Tent-Hotel in the open air, what could be better for a camping enthusiast?

In the big-sky country of western Kazakhstan, we offer camping tours along the old Silk Road! Every year, Mangystau is becoming more and more a center of attraction for tourists from around the world. More and more often, on the dusty roads of this amazing region, there are multilingual pioneer travelers who unanimously declare there are no such similar pristine landscapes anywhere else. For the first time in the history of research on the development of the Great Silk Road, archaeologists obtained material evidence of the existence of the northern branch of this transcontinental route, passing through the territory of this amazing land and connecting Asia with Europe. It is here the culture, traditions and beliefs of ancient nomads - horsemen of the Great Steppe - are preserved. The great discovery of Mangystau, already nicknamed for its greatness the “White Grand Canyon”, will soon take place! We wish you the most vivid and unforgettable experience!


Mangystau region is an area in the south-west of Kazakhstan, formerly called Mangyshlak. The administrative center is Aktau city.

Kazakhstan is a state in the center of Eurasia, most part of which relates to Asia, the smaller part - to Europe. The area is 2,724,902 km². Takes 9th place in the world by territory, 2nd place among the CIS countries (after Russia)

about us

 -Love and respect for the fragile world of the local deserts is a centerpiece of our family project.

-More than 20 years ago, we began to discover this amazing land for off-road vehicles.

-Our trips are adapted to the extreme conditions of this land.

-Our leader is a professional archaeologist and certified tourism instructor.

-We have known this land, its ancient history, customs and traditions of the local population for a long time.

-We not only use the tourist potential of Mangystau, we create it.

-Since 2012, we have several tour companies from different countries as our regular partners .


We are ready to show you Amazing Mangystau.



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Contact WhatsApp

Address: Kazakhstan, Mangystau region, Aktau city 130000

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