
Tours Around Mangystau

Great wasteland

     The landscape of Mangystau is very unique.  The territory of Mangystau was the bottom of the Tethys and Protocaspian oceans for many hundreds of millions of years. Around  8 million years ago, the vast Turan plate began to rise, getting free from the depths of

the sea. Retreating waters washed away soft rocks, creating chalky

cuestas, canyons, bizarre outlier mountains and depressions.

Wind and rain streams completed the magnificent creation of

Nature. That is how the ledges of the North and South Aktau,

the legendary Mount Sherkala, the valley of the Ayrakty-Shomanay

 castles, the unique fields of spherical stones, the boundless

 salt marshes of Kenderlisor, Tuzbair and Karashek, one of the

deepest depressions  in Asia -Karakiya, the sandy massifs of

Bostankum and Bazankumi , picturesque Bozzhira and Elshibek,

beach lagoons and rocky shores of the Caspian sea were created.

But we want to show you not only the natural beauties of this land,

at your choice, tours can have a very different thematic focus.

Land of Sacred Fire and 360 Saints

     Mangystau is a land of ancient temples and pre-Islamic sanctuaries, holy places associated with the names of Sufi ascetics. Here, from ancient times, traces of Vedic fire rituals and Zoroastrian traditions of worshiping the Sacred Fire have been preserved. We will reproduce the rarest fire ritual of the Bronze Age associated with the cosmogonic myth of the creation of life from the World Egg.

The path is two thousand years long

     Only here the material evidence of the functioning of the Northern branch of the Great Silk Road of two thousand years ago was found. Archaeologists found here the legendary city of Mangyshlak of the X-XIII centuries, which was the only one minted its gold coins on the territory of Kazakhstan. The only commercial pier on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea of the Middle Ages was found here, where Indian, Asian, Persian, Russian and European merchants were bargaining. You can take part in the archaeological excavations of the recently opened trade and craft settlement of the Late Antiquity.

Who are we?

       We are the people who will introduce you to the monuments of the Stone Age, you will touch the mystery of archaeological excavations and the technologies of the Stone Age long lost, we will teach you the skills of making stone tools and weapons, archery, modeling clay pottery and making fire.

The world of Tethys

      With us you will see the fossils of the former marine life, the bones and teeth of fossil fishes, the remains of a burned forest of the time of the dinosaurs, petrified footprints of saber-toothed cats and three-fingered horses.

Visiting nomads

      You will learn about the early history of nomads of this region and touch the ancient nomadic relics. We will visit modern Kazakh cattle breeders, see their way of life, their traditional home - a yurt, taste local dishes, and visit craftsmen who carefully preserve folk traditions.

Let's play!

Let's play!

      If you are a fan of the movies “National Treasure” then you are with us. To play is on-trend now. But we offer you an adventure with the search for a real treasure!

Ancient manuscript and map, intricate natural labyrinth, ruins of a fortress and darkness of a cave. Discover the world and the secret of nature, using your wit and observation. Treasures are calling!

We are ready to show you Amazing Mangystau.

Photo safari

      Our leader is a professional photographer who has made more than a dozen traveling exhibitions on various topics of the history and archeology of this region, held three personal photo exhibitions, and published an author's album on the tourist potential of Mangystau. He took part in the filming of Kazakhstan documentary filmmakers and photographers. He participated in projects of the journal of the National Geographic Society, USA. Japanese broadcasting corporation NHK, the French production company Pernelmedia also worked with him.

Engravings on the rocks

      The cave paintings of Mangystau depict scenes of the economy, life and beliefs of the nomadic peoples of antiquity and the recent past. Entire epic canvases you may see on the stones - steppe symphonies. According to these figures, the main concern and wealth of the nomads was horses and camels. An important part of men's activities was battles and hunting. Signs and symbols are the treasury of the history of the steppe tribes. The oldest images are seven thousand years old!


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Address: Kazakhstan, Mangystau region, Aktau city 130000

2019 © MJTour - Into the Wild. Join Us

Phone: +7 (708) 5778270

All rights reserved. When copying materials reference to the site is required

E-mail: mjeeptour@gmail.com

     The landscape of Mangystau is very unique.

 The territory of Mangystau was the bottom of the Tethys

and Protocaspian oceans for many hundreds of millions of

years. Around  8 million years ago, the vast Turan plate

began to rise, getting free from the depths of the sea.

Retreating waters washed away soft rocks, creating chalky

cuestas, canyons, bizarre outlier mountains and

depressions. Wind and rain streams completed the

magnificent creation of Nature. That is how the ledges of

the North and South Aktau, the legendary Mount Sherkala,

 the valley of the Ayrakty-Shomanay castles, the unique

fields of spherical stones, the boundless salt marshes of Kenderlisor, Tuzbair and Karashek, one of the

deepest depressions  in Asia -Karakiya, the sandy massifs of Bostankum and Bazankumi , picturesque Bozzhira and Elshibek,

beach lagoons and rocky shores of the Caspian sea were created.

But we want to show you not only the natural beauties of this land, at your choice, tours can have a very different thematic focus.

     Mangystau is a land of ancient temples and pre-Islamic sanctuaries, holy places associated with the names of Sufi ascetics. Here, from ancient times, traces of Vedic fire rituals and Zoroastrian traditions of worshiping the Sacred Fire have been preserved. We will reproduce the rarest fire ritual of the Bronze Age associated with the cosmogonic myth of the creation of life from the World Egg.

      Our leader is a professional photographer who has made more than a dozen traveling exhibitions on various topics of the history and archeology of this region, held three personal photo exhibitions, and published an author's album on the tourist potential of Mangystau. He took part in the filming of Kazakhstan documentary filmmakers and photographers. He participated in projects of the journal of the National Geographic Society, USA. Japanese broadcasting corporation NHK, the French production company Pernelmedia also worked with him.

      The cave paintings of Mangystau depict scenes of the economy, life and beliefs of the nomadic peoples of antiquity and the recent past. Entire epic canvases you may see on the stones - steppe symphonies. According to these figures, the main concern and wealth of the nomads was horses and camels. An important part of men's activities was battles and hunting. Signs and symbols are the treasury of the history of the steppe tribes. The oldest images are seven thousand years old!